Thursday, May 24, 2012

pre-ride Friday

Friday, 18 May 2012

None of us sleep very well in the dorm-type bunks, so we decide to walk down to the Starbucks on campus and enjoy a relaxing coffee and chat together before we commence bike re-assembly.  It's a beautiful morning and it feels good to stretch our legs after spending much of Thursday either on a plane or airport shuttle.  Several Emory employees who are riding or crewing recognize Tracy and/or me from last year and stop to welcome us back and to meet Jon.  
from this to...
this; ready to ride!
Tracy was going to visit with an Atlanta area friend, so Jon and I went for a ride around campus after re-assembling our bikes.  He was having some difficulty getting a reading from his cycling computer so we were grateful to get directions to a nearby bike shop and rode over there for some adjustment assistance.  Then it was time to eat and I recalled a yummy salad and pizza place on the other side of campus from being here last year, so we enjoyed a respite there too.  We cleaned up and walked up to the Medical School building in order to complete final registration, pick up our rider packets and enjoy the dinner with all of the other riders, crew and Emory Vaccine Center staff.   Dr. Harriet Robinson provided us with an exciting update on her work as she and her team, including Dr. Rama Amara had exciting updates to share: Emory Vaccine Center - getting closer!
We headed back soon after dinner in order to prep all for an early morning on Saturday.  
Jon, Mary, Tracy middle with research scientists at dinner

Dr. Harriet Robinson, Emory Vaccine Center scientist
meant to add this to Saturday's post - another typical road scene

The pics I posted both left and below are both from Saturday...a typical scene taken by a passing crew member in a car and the bike parking at camp on Saturday night...standing room only!
bike parking at Rock Eagle camp
Good night from the Emory University campus...ready to ride tomorrow!


  1. mary wow this is wonderful i didnt know you were doing this, i tell ya how i found this page i was just talking to a friend of mine from hs who now lives in mass on fb he was telling me hes hiv positive i was telling him about peter and how he took his walk and so fourth and decided to do a google search on peters name and came across your page wow istill miss him its strange i was so young when he passed and not all there and to this day ive never mentioned it to many people but i swear he is my gaurdian angel as i made alot of bad choices and seems whenever things were bad when they started to turn around i would suddenly come across a picture of him or a letter/card he wrote to me or my mother or something like that i thank you for keeping his memory so much alive recently came across a book he gave me he dated it thanksgiving 1987 the book is called jonathan ivingston seagull peter was very good to me and is still very dear to my heart i wish i could build a stairway to heaven so he could come pay us a visit

  2. Ray! Oh my, you can tell how long it's been since I've been on my blog as I'm just seeing your note. So wonderful to hear from you - thank you for taking time to write! Yes, Peter's my 'road angel' and I started riding in 1997 as a unique and challenging way to honor his life and legacy of love and learning. I'm still riding and believe we're getting closer to ending AIDS; that way no one else has to lose someone special to them. I'm heading to Atlanta again next Thursday to ride in the AIDS Vaccine 200 ride again - supporting the Emory University Vaccine Peter will be cursing up the hills right along with me and whooping with glee on the downhills too :) I've been thrilled to reconnect with your Mom on FB too, so I know Peter is grinning as you and your brother were very special to him; he loved you all lots. Hugs, Mary
