Sunday, May 15, 2011

105 miles are in the book!

Hi all,
Pic is of Tracy and me earlier this afternoon@ 70 miles.  Tha.k you for supporting the AIDS Vaccine 200's 100% volunteer - ALL donations go toward a vaccine.
9:15 PM here and I'm about to sleep, then ride it in reverse tomorrow.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Emory University entrance

I'm in Atlanta...

Staying in a medical school dorm at Emory University...what a beautiful campus!  The Emory Vaccine ctr is the ride beneficiary...will probably meet some researchers at the rider/crew dinner tonight.
My bike is all re-assembled and ready for ride-out @ 7:30 AM, Atlanta time, tomorrow. 
A special shout-out to my friend Carson tomorrow...wishing you smoother roads and tailwinds on lifes journey, wrong turns either!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ready to fly!

My bike is in that bag...ready to head to Atlanta tomorrow; more to come...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ready to pack...

My bike is clean and ready to be disassembled and packed.  The top tube and down tube have couplers built right in, so that I can take the frame apart and pack in a special case that is neither oversize nor overweight. It gets checked as regular baggage :)  
I'll add that pic later on...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mt. Rainier and sun!

Last weekend I enjoyed Springtime weather for my training rides-  finally!
Sunday's ride was the longer one, enjoying sunshine throughout-  aahhh!  South of Seattle and all the way down the Kent valley, right through the crosswalk where I was hit 3 years ago, continuing through Sumner and Prying where Mt. Rainier provided a magnificent backdrop-  wow!
1 week from today I leave for prep and packing list begins...